Kefir Rye Sourdough Bread
Preparing the Rye Kefir Starter
25g Wholemeal rye flour
50g Blue Bay Kefir
50g milk
115g Unbleached white flour
115g Warm water
1. Combine rye flour and kefir well and place in a container with a breathable lid; otherwise use a clean kitchen towel or cheese cloth. Secure it tightly around the top of container with string or rubber band.
2. Allow the kefir starter to culture for to 2-3 days at a warm room temperature (approximately 22C), until bubbling or active.
2. When the rye kefir starter is bubbling, gently mix in white flour and water and cover and leave for another 2 days.
Note: Activation can differ due to environmental elements such as temperature and humidity.
Kefir Rye Sourdough Bread
200g Kefir
Active rye starer
10g Molasses
260g Unbleached white flour
125g Rye flour
5g Caraway/fennel seed mix, toasted
ΒΌ tsp Salt
4 tbsp Semolina
1 .In a medium size bowl mix kefir, all of the rye starter and molasses together.
2. In a separate bowl add white flour, rye flour, the caraway/fennel seed mix and salt; stir well.
3. Gradually stir the dry ingredients into the kefir/starter mix and incorporate well using a fork or clean hand. At this stage dough will be wet and sticky.
4. Transfer the wet dough into an oiled bowl and cover with cling wrap and allow to rest for 15 minutes.
5. Mix dough by stretching and folding for 2-3 minutes, cover and allow to rest again for further 15 minutes.
6. Repeat step 5.
6. Cover with cling wrap and leave at room temperature until doubled in size (10-14 hours).
7. Remove dough from the bowl and stretch and mould into a desired loaf shape, place dough into a proofing basket or line a bowl with a clean, floured kitchen clothe. Rest for 1-2 hours for the final rise. Dough should double in size.
8. Heat oven to 260C, place dough in a lidded camp oven or deep baking dish with lid into the hot oven. Note: Dust the bottom of the baking dish with semolina and score bread with a sharp knife.
9. Bake bread with the lid on for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 235C, remove the lid and bake for a further 20 minutes until the crust has coloured and become crunchy. The loaf should sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
10. Remove from oven and rest before serving.